On-demand webinar

EHR Adoption, Health Info Mgmt & Lessons from Across the Border

Spark Healthcare Finance Management Conference

In 2009, the US passed the HITECH Act, leading to a 9-fold increase in EHR system adoption at acute care hospitals. With this adoption, U.S. hospitals also unlocked innovations in the back-office and operational processes of healthcare. Over the last few years, Canadian hospitals have seen similar jumps in EHR adoption with new opportunities presented to evolve operational processes. This session will discuss how the rise of EMRs and the introduction of ICD-10 led to computer-assisted coding use in the US and how Canadian hospitals can leapfrog from this trend to introduce AI efficiencies in their own HIM departments to optimize funding.

Learning Goals:

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About the speaker,

Dr. Nicola Sahar

Nicola Sahar, MD is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Semantic Health. He leads a team of experienced medical coders, engineers, and machine learning researchers in transforming medical coding and auditing with machine learning. Before starting Semantic Health, Nicola was a clinical NLP researcher at the University of Toronto and a consultant at Bain & Company in their healthcare practice. He is passionate about making health data more actionable so that providers can improve the quality and cost of healthcare.

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EHR Adoption, Health Info Mgmt & Lessons from Across the Border

Spark Healthcare Finance Management Conference

September 30, 2022 2:00 PM

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Learning Goals:

In 2009, the US passed the HITECH Act, leading to a 9-fold increase in EHR system adoption at acute care hospitals. With this adoption, U.S. hospitals also unlocked innovations in the back-office and operational processes of healthcare. Over the last few years, Canadian hospitals have seen similar jumps in EHR adoption with new opportunities presented to evolve operational processes. This session will discuss how the rise of EMRs and the introduction of ICD-10 led to computer-assisted coding use in the US and how Canadian hospitals can leapfrog from this trend to introduce AI efficiencies in their own HIM departments to optimize funding.

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Improve Medical Coding, Data Quality Auditing, or Both!

Semantic Coder

✔️ AI software reviews patient charts as they are created

✔️ Medical codes are automatically suggested for coder approval

✔️ Access a clear evidence trail in the documentation for suggested codes

✔️ Patient summaries, code suggestions, and all other tools are accessible in one interface

✔️ Simple charts are automatically coded

✔️ Long and complex charts are significantly streamlined

Semantic Auditor

✔️ AI software audits coded charts to determine if assigned codes are supported by the clinical documentation

✔️ Auditors are directed to the exact location in the documentation requiring review

✔️ AI software is compatible with charts from your team or an external vendor

✔️ Insights can be used to spin up new data-driven, high-quality, and relevant clinical documentation improvement programs

Semantic Health Information Platform

✔️ Unlock the full benefits of both Semantic Coder and Semantic Auditor in one convenient and easy-to-use interface