Semantic Auditor

Instantly Estimate
Recoverable DRG Revenue

Optimize Revenue | Reduce Denials | Improve Coding Accuracy

Use Semantic Auditor’s proprietary AI platform to identify missed high-margin revenue, reduce resources needed for denials management, and improve coding and CDI accuracy

ROI Calculator
Total Annual Revenue Lift
Number of Inpatient Annual Discharges*
*Assumes 50% DRG payer mix
Average DRG Base Rate ($)*
*$5-7K is a standard estimate range
Complete the form to start your free trial!

Effective ROI


DRG Accounts Analyzed



Try 1-Month for Free
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Get Started Now

DRG payer list and base rates to estimate
potential revenue return
1-month of DRG accounts and claims data to
our secure (HIPAA/SOC 2 compliant) cloud
A detailed report and re-bill validated revenue
opportunities within 30 days
Email us at to get started
Customer Highlight
How an Inpatient Facility Identified Millions
in Revenue Leakage
Organization: East Coast facility with 6,000+ annual inpatient DRG accounts
and a robust concurrent CDI program
Problem: <10% of DRG accounts audited post-bill
Solution: Deployed Semantic Auditor to review 100% of DRG accounts pre-bill
and significantly enhanced audit coverage
Impact: Identified $2M+ in missed annualized DRG opportunities in weeks
and had their coding and CDI teams review results instantly in a streamlined dashboard